Corn: exports from the Ukraine decline

February 27, 2020 at 1:03 PM , Der AUDITOR
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PARIS. The corn market declined in the USA, Western Europe and the Black Sea region. The spread of the coronavirus caused sales fears, although the effects on the market remained difficult to assess. Argentina's government will raise the export tax on wheat, corn and soy, which could lead to firmer impulses on the market. Ukrainian corn exports fell by 24% in February.

US corn in Chicago declined by USD 3.00 to USD 3.68 per bushel. In Paris, corn lost 50 cents to EUR 169.50 per metric tonne. On the spot market, corn maintained its price level, while in Western Germany, corn in South Oldenburg and Westphalia lost EUR 2.00 per metric tonne. In the USA, export expectations remained subdued because the spread of the coronavirus continued to fuel sales fears, even though the calculable effects of the coronavirus on global demand are hard to comprehend. However, the delivery times to China alone, which have been delayed by one and a hal

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