Corn: At 91.2% harvested acreages, an 8.3% higher output

November 2, 2017 at 10:52 PM , Starry Night Ltd.
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SOFIA. A higher yield of 10.6% drives aggregate production up. Farmers are already selling out.

BULGARIA. Many farmers already emptied their reserves while intermediary market players are fulfilling contracts, at competitive prices early in the marketing season, with foreign buyers.

Corn: favorable weather conditions rose yields

Throughout the country only a number of farmers use irrigation systems to realize the full yield potential of the grain. However, for the rest, this year the weather favored the crop with weekly rains till the very start of harvest. Only some regions in the North got hit hard by hailstorms, but generally speaking, farmers realized much higher yield, indeed those in the North regions.

The yield this season is the main reason for the country to realize a much higher output. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by the 26th of October 2017, estimates of collected corn stood at 2,224,763 mt, at an average yield of 5.84 mt/ha.

Harvest 2017-18

(01.09.2017 - 27.10.2017)

Beg.availability, incl. carry over & imports

2,804,927  mt

Domestic consumption

205,000 mt

Exports to the world

478,668 mt

   to EU markets

387,864 mt

   to rest of the world

90,804 mt

Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture

Export activities

Since the start of the current season (1st of September 2017), exports of corn have been following an upward trajectory. A case in point: according to local authorities, by the 27th of October 2017, exports reached 478,668 mt while by the 28th of October 2016, market players shipped abroad 309,537 mt. The difference between both exported numbers stands at 54.64% in favor of harvest 2017-18. The change in total availability (aggregate output, imports and carry-over) for both harvests stands in favor of the current one: as so far in the season, total availability stands at 2,804,927 mt while that of the previous season reached 2,455,173 mt or 14.25% lower.

Corn, Bulgaria





EXW Bulgaria





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