Chickpeas: market in India remains sluggish

March 10, 2025 at 3:15 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/OTTAWA. The dynamics on the Indian chickpea market leave a lot to be desired, and even the upcoming wedding season will probably do little to change this. It is time for Canadian suppliers to tap into new markets.

Oversupply causes prices to fall further

Trade on the Indian chickpea market remains subdued. Stocks are still high and new produce is constantly coming onto the market, which is putting further pressure on prices. Commodity prices are currently at USD 0.84-0.89/kg, while export prices for chickpeas, 42-44 (12 mm) are hovering at USD 1,725/mt FOB India. The oversupply is exacerbated by new crops from key producing states such as Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, further limiting the potential for a price recovery.

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