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Butter: high prices and escalating tensions in EU

August 22, 2024 at 10:53 AM , Der AUDITOR
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KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. EU butter prices have surged by more than 50% this year with shocking records reached last week. EU exports to China have risen and the country’s investigation into EU dairy subsidies have caused a bit of a stir.

Supplies are the issue

After the market reached record highs in Europe last week, quotations are still high. Euronext futures have maintained EUR 7,300/mt (USD 8,135/mt). Global Dairy Trade quotations also rose by nearly 4% to EUR 6,050/mt (USD 6,706 mt) in the most recent auction on Tuesday, yet still range below the record EUR 6,631/mt (USD 7,350/mt) reached in June.

In Germany, the market is still struggling with limited fresh butter supplies. As the prices for cream rose sharply in summer, churning slowed. Bulk butter quotations have continued to rise at

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