Bulgarian rapeseed: meager domestic trade, no sea exports for several weeks

May 8, 2017 at 7:04 AM , Starry Night Ltd.
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Prices have reached its lowest point since beginning of year. Sales on green have frozen. Meager quantities are traded on the domestic market.

 Rapeseed: prices have reached its lowest point since beginning of year

SOFIA. Although reserves stand low, rapeseed is traded for 0.352 EUR/kg CPT domestic port, which is its lowest point since the beginning of 2017. The majority of the crop was quickly exported to countries of Western Europe after the harvesting season started.

So far into the year, exported quantities represent 96.85% of domestic output (See table below). The season was strong and exports were high. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by the end of April 2017, remaining quantities of rapeseed stood at 54,650 mt.

Harvest 2016-17

(beginning of harvest till 28.04.2017)

Carry over


Domestic output




Domestic consumption


Exports to the world


 Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture

Tranquility on the sea ports

For several weeks, no rapeseed exports via the Varna seaport were registered while since the beginning of season 2016-17, no rapeseed was exported via Burgas seaport. However, on a yearly basis, the change in exported quantities from season 2015-16 to these of season 2016-17 via Varna seaport increased by 208,3%. For instance, by the end of April 2017, the country exported 216,457 mt while by April 2016, exports stood at 70,2017 mt. 

Green trade seems to have frozen

Since March 2017 till about the end of April 2017, sales on green fluctuated in the range of 0.368 EUR/kg to 0.348 EUR/kg CPT domestic port. Farmers complain that the dry weather, accompanied by a sudden cold period, of the last several weeks frightened buyers for the future prospects of the upcoming harvest. Anyhow, for the last few days the weather has been favorable for agricultural producers in some regions of the country.

Rapeseed, Bulgaria





CPT domestic port


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