Grains - Grains

Buckwheat: 22% of the Ukrainian acreage still to be sown

June 5, 2024 at 2:39 PM , Der AUDITOR
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DALIAN/KYIV. In Ukraine, 22% of the area planted with buckwheat is still outstanding, with 124,800 ha planned in total. In China, market players expect sowing to be lower than initially assumed.

98,000 ha have been sown with buckwheat

By the end of May, a total of 5.505 million ha had been sown with cereals and pulses in Ukraine for the spring sowing season, a good 96% of the planned area of 5.601 million ha. So far, buckwheat accounts for 97,700 ha of this total, with a planned area of 124,800 ha to be sown this year, which means that just under 22% of the sowing is still outstanding.

In China, however, sowings are expected to be lower than initially anticipated. Market players therefore recommend keeping a particularly close eye on the market. The

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