Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Blue poppy seeds: new crop will soon be available

July 18, 2024 at 3:36 PM , Der AUDITOR
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CHRUDIM. Czech poppy farmers have sown a good 10,000 ha more this year than in the last two years. This raises hopes of a good crop, even though there are still concerns that the hot and dry temperatures could have a negative impact.

Poppy seed cultivation on 36,000 ha

While the official cultivation forecasts do not quite match the optimistic expectations of market players, they are still significantly better than last year. The Czech Statistical Office estimates the acreage for the 2024 poppy seed crop at 36,000 ha, while market players had previously even been talking about areas of 40,000 ha. With an average yield of 0.70-0.75 mt/ha, the Czech poppy seed crop could thus achieve a production of 25,200-27,000 mt - this result would be significantly higher than in the previous two years.

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