Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Blue poppy seeds: new crop puts pressure on prices

September 5, 2024 at 9:02 AM , Der AUDITOR
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CHRUDIM/BUDAPEST. This year's significantly better crop is putting pressure on prices in the blue poppy seed market. However, the quality of the seeds will not be able to fulfil all requirements.

Poppy seed production up by more than 50%

Czech farmers have now completed their poppy seed harvest and the information available so far suggests a successful harvest season. Good yields have been achieved. According to the Czech Statistical Office, around 27,500 mt of poppy seeds were produced this year, a good 50% more than the 18,000 mt harvested last year. Market players are so confident that they are not ruling out subsequent upward revisions to the preliminary results. According to market players, the crop also makes a good impression in terms of quality at fi

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