Barberries: Iranian exports decline

March 21, 2022 at 2:31 PM , Der AUDITOR
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TEHRAN. In January and February 2022, significantly fewer dried barberries were exported than in the corresponding months of 2021. This is mainly due to the low production, which is also not convincing with its quality.

Crop damage due to drought

Even though Iran is the world's largest producer of barberries, traders based there complain that exports could be much better under different conditions. Among other things, they complain about poor marketing and outdated processing - a large part of the barberries are traditionally dried after harvesting and are susceptible to pests such as fungi. A high level of contamination due to improper processing and drying is one of the reasons for the low success in exporting this product.

Exports in the first two months of the year have

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