
Almonds: INC slow to react

November 14, 2023 at 12:03 PM , Der AUDITOR
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SACRAMENTO/REUS. US almond shipments reached the third-strongest October on record and everything now hinges on the new crop. The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) has issued new estimates for the USA, Australia and Spain, which are not quite in sync with industry expectations.

Exports save the day

Monthly shipments climbed to 247 million pounds in October prompting total shipments to reach 677 million pounds. This is 7% up on last year according to the October position report released by the Almond Board of California. While domestic shipments have flatlined at 181 million pounds, exports range 10% higher than last year at 496 million pounds. Shipments to India have most notably surged by 38%, whereas shipments to Spain, China and Hong Kong are down.

US almond shipments in 1,000 lb

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